The budget for developing any type of property includes substantial expenses for building structures, landscaping and the creation of necessary landscape improvements, such as sidewalks, parking lots, curbing, guttering and drainage control features. If stakeouts aren't made at each phase of the building project, the work could be done incorrectly and ruin the entire project budget.
A location error of even a few inches can result in massive losses to the property owner and developer, making it extremely important to ensure that every improvement is correctly located before the work begins. To eliminate this problem a construction surveyor routinely stakes out all proposed construction surveying and layout requirements before each specific construction phase is begun.
Construction Stakeouts
Sometimes referred to as a construction survey, construction site survey, building survey, construction layout or setting out, a construction stakeout clearly defines the proposed locations of each desired improvement. Since large projects often require excavation, infrastructure and actual construction work to be done simultaneously in more than one location, each crew is able to use the specific measurements and detailed information depicted by the construction stakeout to make sure their work is correct and matches the actual survey of construction.
Required for Each Phase
When the work of surveying construction sites as part of the stakeout process begins, surveyors must take into account all factors that will affect the completed project. For the first stage, most construction stakeouts will focus on ensuring that actual dimensions and elevations are correctly marked so that excavation and any dirt work at the site will be correct for depth and position on the site. As each phase of work is completed, surveyors add additional stakeouts to ensure that each layer of new construction work will be situated to perfectly conform to both the original plan and the work that has already been completed.
Factoring in Existing Infrastructure
Surveyors must not only consider the construction work to be done, but also any existing or planned improvements that could affect the project. Underground utility service lines, such as sewer, telephone, water, gas and electrical supply lines as well as surface and aerial lines and infrastructure must all be factored into the final survey work. In addition, specific soil issues or problems with the drainage or the terrain must be factored in during the survey process.
Protecting the budget of any construction project, as well as protecting against future liabilities begins with ensuring each structure and improvement is located correctly. Investing in a construction stakeout survey is the best available protection when developing or doing any major construction work on any property.